Elasticsearch: Handling the Illegal_Argument_Exception – Field Name is Null or Empty

Elasticsearch is a powerful, distributed search and analytics engine that makes it easy to work with large volumes of data. However, as with any software, you may encounter some exceptions when working with Elasticsearch. One common issue is the illegal_argument_exception with a “field name is null or empty” message. In this article, we’ll discuss the root causes of this error, how to prevent it, and how to fix it if you’ve already encountered it. We’ll also include an FAQ section at the end to address some common questions related to this issue.

Understanding the Exception

The illegal_argument_exception is a type of runtime exception in Elasticsearch that occurs when an invalid argument is passed to a method or operation. In this case, the “field name is null or empty” message indicates that an operation has been requested on a field without a valid name. This can happen when the field name is not provided, is empty, or contains only whitespace characters.

Common Causes

There are several possible reasons why you might encounter this error:

  1. Indexing a document with an empty field name: When indexing a document in Elasticsearch, you might accidentally provide a field with an empty name or a name that contains only whitespace characters. Elasticsearch will reject the document and throw the illegal_argument_exception.
  2. Querying with an empty field name: Similarly, if you perform a search query that targets a field with an empty name, Elasticsearch will not be able to process the request and will raise the illegal_argument_exception.
  3. Working with dynamic templates: If you’re using dynamic templates to define mappings for new fields, you might inadvertently create a field with an empty or whitespace-only name. This can lead to the illegal_argument_exception when Elasticsearch tries to process the mapping.
  4. Manipulating field names programmatically: If you’re using a programming language or a script to generate field names or manipulate documents, you might inadvertently create an empty or whitespace-only field name, leading to the error.

How to Fix and Prevent the Error

To fix and prevent the illegal_argument_exception with the “field name is null or empty” message, follow these best practices:

  1. Always use valid field names: Ensure that your field names are not empty, do not contain whitespace characters, and adhere to the Elasticsearch naming conventions. Field names should consist of letters, digits, and underscores.
  2. Validate input data: When indexing documents or querying Elasticsearch, validate the input data to ensure that field names are not empty or whitespace-only.
  3. Check dynamic templates: Review your dynamic templates to ensure that they do not generate empty or whitespace-only field names.
  4. Test your code: If you’re generating field names or manipulating documents programmatically, test your code thoroughly to ensure it does not produce empty or whitespace-only field names.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Are there any reserved field names in Elasticsearch?

A: Yes, some field names are reserved in Elasticsearch. These include _id, _index,

_type, _source, _all, and _parent, among others. You should avoid using these reserved names for your custom fields, as doing so may lead to unexpected behavior or errors.

Q: How can I find documents with empty or whitespace-only field names?

A: You can use a script query in Elasticsearch to identify documents with empty or whitespace-only field names. For example, the following query would return documents where the field field_name is empty or contains only whitespace:

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "script": {
            "script": {
              "source": "doc['field_name'].value == null || doc['field_name'].value.trim().isEmpty()"

Replace field_name with the name of the field you want to check.

Q: Can I change the field name after a document is indexed?

A: You cannot directly modify a field name in an existing document. Instead, you must reindex the document with the updated field name. To do this, you can retrieve the document, change the field name, and then index it again with the new field name. Remember to delete the original document if necessary.

Q: What characters are allowed in Elasticsearch field names?

A: Field names in Elasticsearch can include any Unicode character, except for the following:

  • Control characters (U+0000 – U+001F and U+007F – U+009F)
  • Whitespace characters
  • Punctuation characters .,;#

While Elasticsearch allows for a wide range of characters, it’s generally recommended

to use simple field names consisting of letters, digits, and underscores for better readability and to avoid potential issues with different tools or libraries.

Q: Can I use dots (.) in field names in Elasticsearch?

A: Prior to Elasticsearch 2.0, dots were allowed in field names. However, starting from version 2.0, dots are not allowed in field names due to potential conflicts with field path expressions and the introduction of the “dot-expand” processor in Ingest Node. If you need to represent a hierarchical structure in your field names, you can use nested objects or opt for alternative naming conventions like using underscores (_) instead of dots.

Q: Can I use spaces in field names in Elasticsearch?

A: No, you cannot use spaces in field names in Elasticsearch. Field names with spaces or other whitespace characters can lead to the illegal_argument_exception with the “field name is null or empty” message, as discussed in this article. Instead, use underscores (_) or camelCase to separate words in field names.


The illegal_argument_exception with the “field name is null or empty” message in Elasticsearch occurs when an operation is requested on a field without a valid name. To avoid this issue, always use valid field names, validate input data, review dynamic templates, and thoroughly test your code. Following these best practices will help ensure a smooth experience when working with Elasticsearch.